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In English

Germany allocates €1 billion annually to help the Syrian people

The German special envoy to Syria, Stefan Schneck, said that his country has allocated €1 billion to help the Syrian people every year.

Rudaw channel quoted Schneck as saying “Germany is granting every year €1 billion in direct support to the Syrian people in Syria, in the northwest and northeast, as well as in Assad regime-controlled areas.”

Schneck added that “each region receives about €100 million, depending on the space of ​​intervention,” confirming that “aid usually depends on needs.”

Schneck “If there is a possibility, we often go to early recovery, clarifying, for example, through the Syria Reconstruction Trust Fund.” “But if regimes on the ground limit our space, then of course we have to respond.”

Regarding German policy towards Syria, Schneck said that “his country’s policy is two-fold, emphasizing that Germany insists that there can only be a political solution within UNSCR 2254, in addition to the position opposing the normalization of relations with Assad regime.”

The German envoy stressed earlier his country’s support for a political solution in Syria in accordance with UNSCR 2254, affirming the European Union’s adherence to the “Three No’s”- no to normalizing relations with the Assad regime, no to lifting sanctions, and no to reconstruction, until the Assad regime engages in a political solution with concrete and serious steps.

During a meeting held by Schneck with the head of the Syrian Negotiation Commission (SNC), Badr Jamous, on the sidelines of the Brussels conference to support the future of Syria and the region, Schneck said that he discussed with SNC head “the political process in accordance with UNSCR 2254, and early recovery in all of Syria while preserving the potential for a political solution, and how to intergrate education.”

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