In English

UN announces the extension of cross-border aid delivery until next August 13

The United Nations welcomed Assad regime’s decision to extend humanitarian aid delivery through the border crossings between northern Syria and Turkey until next August 13th.

The United Nations published a statement on its official website, confirming that the 5th authorization which was approved to bring humanitarian aid through Bab al-Salam and al-Rai crossings for new three months is set to expire on May 13th.

The statement pointed out that humanitarian aid has continued to enter through the “Bab al-Hawa” crossing since July 13, as a result of the understandings between the various parties, given that the period granted to the “Bab al-Hawa” crossing will expire on July 13, 2024.

The statement pointed out that “the United States and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) welcome the Assad regime’s decision to continue using the Bab al-Salam and al-Rai crossings from Turkey, so that the United Nations can continue to provide humanitarian assistance to those in need in north-west Syria, until August 13.”

The cross-border humanitarian operation from Turkey, which utilizes the Bab al-Hawa crossing, is a lifeline for aid in north-west Syria, according to the statement.

The statement indicated that there are millions of people in need of humanitarian assistance, including food, nutrition, health, shelter, protection, education and other crucial forms of support.

The statement emphasized that the United Nations and its partners are appealing for $4 billion to assist more than 10 million people throughout Syria.

The statement claimed that the United Nations’ ability to respond is still constrained by funding cuts, receiving only 6% of the required funding, which amounts to approximately $224 million.

Most of the IDPs in north-west Syria are living in dire humanitarian conditions, especially the camps, after halting funding in most of the camps that were receiving support from the UN, through cross-border aid delivery, but the Assad regime and Russia are seeking to halt that aid or control it.

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