In English

Tohme: The fate of the Syrian Constitutional Committee is unknown and there is no possibility to resume it soon

The head of the Syrian opposition delegation, Ahmed Tohme, confirmed through Astana talks that the fate of the Syrian Constitutional Committee is ambiguous and unknown, and there is no possibility to resume it soon.

Tohme stated: “Assad regime does not want to engage in the political process seriously, and the Syrian opposition does not pin big hopes on international proposals.”

Tohme pointed out that “Riyadh is not interested in holding the Syrian Constitutional Committee meetings as it does not believe to reach an outcome as happened in the past.”

The vice president of the Syrian Opposition Coalition, Dima Moussa said: “The whole political process has been halted since years because there is no authentic partner for negotiations as Assad regime used all means to disrupt any political solution.”

Moussa called for the need to continuously press on Assad regime and work internationally and regionally to adhere to the political process and push for its resumption, expressing the opposition’s readiness to participate in the meetings.

Moussa considered that disrupting the political track creates a disastrous repercussion, which is the ongoing deterioration of Syrian people’s conditions, and affects the files of detainees and refugees.

The UN envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, said that the Assad regime refuses to resume holding the Constitutional Committee meeting in Geneva as Moscow opposes the venue.

More than two weeks ago, the date which was scheduled to hold the 9th round of Syrian Constitutional Committee (April 22-26) passed quietly, marred only by a statement in which the UN Special Envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, expressed his disappointment, without departing from the usual context regarding the meetings of the political track has been stalled for about two years, due to Moscow’s intransigence, its refusal to follow up on the meetings in Geneva (Switzerland), and the Assad regime’s position being consistent with it.

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