In English

EU: The sanctions imposed on Assad regime remain in force

The EU’s regional spokesman, Luis Miguel Bueno, the sanctions imposed on Assad regime remain in force.

Bueno said in an interview with “Syria TV” website that the European sanctions are firm and constant, which include the individuals and entities close to the Assad regime and sectors such as oil.

Bueno added that Assad regime does not accept to engage in the comprehensive political process towards the solution and implement UNSCR 2254, pointing out that EU will not normalize relations and will not acknowledge the Assad regime as long as it does not engage in the political transition process.

Bueno emphasized that the EU has not seen any real tangible step from Assad regime towards the political solution, including the forcibly disappeared issue in Syria.

Bueno held Assad regime accountable for worsening the situation in Syria as well as the unsafe conditions which hamper the return of refugees to their country.

Bueno stressed that the Syrian issue must be part of the international agendas and must be very important to the European Union.

Bueno noted that supporting the early recovery projects in Syria by the EU does not constitute any recognition of Assad or his legitimacy, but rather is directed for the Syrians themselves.

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