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Former US Ambassador: The solution in Syria is unclear and the status quo will linger for many years

Former US Ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford, expressed his belief that the frozen situation in Syria currently will continue for many years.

Ford said in an interview with “Al-Majala” newspaper on August 26, that the main problem is that Assad regime in Syria is economically, militarily, and politically fragile which led to the current stalemate. Ford expressed his belief that the solution in Syria is unclear.

Ford added: I think that one day the US troops will withdraw from Syria’s eastern territories, but it is clear that Joe Biden as a president will not withdraw them. Regarding Kamala Harris, I am not sure, and I think that most likely the new Donald Trump administration will withdraw US troops, but it does not seem to me that Turkey is ready to withdraw its forces from northern Syria.

Ford ruled out that Washington would play a major role in Syria’s future, because the US role in the Syrian file has been limited during the rule of former President Barack Obama, but Russia is the vital country for the Syrian political process in the future.

Ford suggested that the current US policy towards the Assad regime would remain stable, and that the “Caesar Act” sanctions would be extended before the end of this year.

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