In English

Qatar: It is necessary to ensure holding Assad regime accountable for the perpetrated violations against the Syrian people

The Second Secretary of the Permanent Mission of the State of Gatar, Abdulaziz Al-Mansoori, said: “Qatar welcomes all the measures and efforts made to end the impunity and ensure holding Assad regime accountable for the perpetrated crimes against the Syrian people.”

Al-Mansoori’s official statement followed the interactive dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria.

Al-Mansoori added: “Assad regime is continuing to commit crimes and gross violations of human rights as well as use repression and persecution to remain in power and dominate it.”

Al-Mansoori expressed “Qatar’s concerns over the ongoing violations and violence as well s the deteriorating of humanitarian and living conditions of the Syrian people.”

Al-Mansoori pointed out that “it is necessary to help supporting the right to know the fate of missing people and contributing to backing reconciliation, justice, and permanent peace for all the Syrian people.”

Al-Mansoori concluded by urging the international community and all the interested parties to continue supporting the effort of the UN envoy to Syria. He also called for exercising further pressure on Assad regime to resume the Syrian Constitutional Committee meetings and to effectively and seriously participate in them to reach a political solution in line with Geneva Statement and UNSCR 2254 in a way that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people.

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