In English

The Syrian National Coalition warns against Assad regime settling Hezbollah families in Syria

The member of political committee of the Syrian National Coalition, Mohammad Salim al-Khatib, warned against Assad regime’s instructions to facilitate the entry of Lebanese Hezbollah militias members and their families into Syria. He suggested it could be a continuation of demographic change that Assad regime and Iran initiated years ago.

Al-Khatib said in a press statement that welcoming the Lebanese civilian refugees who take part in committing crimes and violations against the Syrians is a humanitarian act the Syrians will not hesitate to do it as they do many times with the citizens of all the countries which have undergone crisis and wars.

Al-Khatib added that Assad regime is taking advantage of the Israeli escalation on Lebanon to settle Hezbollah militia families, reinforce its military presence in Syria, and continue the demographic change project to ensure its control over Syria.

Al-Khatib pointed out that “Assad regime may take advantage of the expulsion of the Hezbollah militias from southern Lebanon and provide them with accommodation in the homes of displaced Syrians.”

It is noteworthy that the Assad regime gave instructions to facilitate the entry of Lebanese fleeing the Israeli bombardment into Syria, and it is believed that the batches coming from Lebanon to Syria include families of Hezbollah members.  

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