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In English

Erdogan hopes to solve the problem of delivery the F-35 fighter jets during Biden era

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed his hope that the problem of delivering F-35 fighter jets to Turkey would be solved after Joe Biden took office as the US presidency.

This came in statements to reporters after performing Friday prayers in Istanbul.

Erdogan said, “We paid huge sums of money for the F-35 fighter jets, and despite that it has not been delivered to us so far, and this is a grave mistake that our ally America made with us in terms of international diplomacy.”

The Turkish President added, “We do not take permission from anyone with regard to strengthening our defense capabilities, and we never accept the dictates of our NATO allies,” referring to the S-400 deal.

He pointed out that Turkey is continuing its talks with Russia to supply a second package of “S-400” air defense systems.

He stressed that this consistent position of Turkey will continue in the Biden era, as it was during the era of outgoing President Donald Trump.

Erdogan expressed his hope that the Biden administration would take more positive steps and find a solution to the contentious issues.

Washington had suspended deliveries of F-35s to Turkey after the latter insisted on purchasing the Russian S-400 defense system, despite US objections.

Washington says the S-400s pose a threat to its F-35 fighter jets and the broader defense systems of NATO.

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