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In English

12 killings in Al-Hol camp and the United Nations raise alarm

Al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria, which is controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces, witnessed 12 killings of displaced Syrians and Iraqis, according to what the United Nations reported on Thursday, warning that “the security situation is witnessing a worsening deterioration.”

A United Nations statement stated that “between January 1 and 16, the United Nations was informed of 12 killings of Syrian and Iraqi residents in the camp, and the disturbing events indicate that the security situation is deteriorating in the camp.”

While the statement pointed to the high level of violence and killing in the camp threatening humanitarian workers and limiting the ability of the United Nations to safely assess humanitarian support.
It is worth noting that it hosts the largest camp in Syria, which houses about 62,000 people, more than 80 percent of whom are women and children.

Syrians, Iraqis and thousands of other nationalities reside in Al-Hol, with their children, most of them from Europe and Asia.

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