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In English

After they refused to migrate to Idlib, members of the Free Army confront the Assad regime forces in Daraa

The city of Tafas in the western countryside of Daraa witnessed violent battles between the Free Army factions and the forces of the Assad regime, following the latter’s attempt to advance and storm the city.

Activists said that the Assad regime forces tried to advance on Sunday morning towards the city of Tafas, where members of the Free Army confronted them, killing and wounding a number of them, to respond by bombing the city with mortar shells, and the clashes are still continuing.

Activists explained that the Assad regime forces are trying to storm the city after the failure of the negotiations, following the rejection of the former leader of the Free Army, “Khaldoun Al-Zoubi”, the regime’s conditions, which were to displace it and its members to Idlib and hand over their weapons and their military headquarters.
The militia of the Fourth Division had spread yesterday in the western countryside of Daraa, significantly and strengthened its positions and established new checkpoints in the area, and tightened security and inspection procedures, and with it a number of heavy military vehicles, including tanks.

During the past two days, large military reinforcements arrived in the city of Daraa coming from the capital, Damascus, and local sources revealed that these reinforcements will be their task in the next stage, which is to extend full control over the western countryside of Daraa, which is witnessing ongoing assassinations against members of the Assad regime and former members of the Free Army
They had joined the ranks of the regime after the settlement process.

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