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In English

Israeli Defense Minister: We will not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon

In an interview with Al-Ghad Al-Arabi, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz affirmed that his country will not allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon, and preventing Tehran from obtaining a nuclear weapon is a regional and international interest.

Gantz said, “Israel is a strong country ready for all possibilities to enter a war against Iran.” He added, “Iran is a country eager to develop its nuclear capabilities in military terms, and if it reaches that it will constitute an international problem, and it will be a problem for the region as well, and thus constitute a security risk. On Israel, and I believe that dealing with it must be at an international level and with the participation of the great powers.

Gantz added, “We will not allow Iran to be nuclear armed, and this is our goal, and this is a regional and international interest, because the regime in Tehran is extremist, and we will resist that. We have found the nuclear archive and found how they dealt with the issue of nuclear armament.”

He also made it clear that Iran poses a threat to the Gulf states, and works conspiruously in these countries, and represents a challenge to Israel, indicating that if it acquires a nuclear weapon it will open the door to nuclear armament in the region.

The permanent Iranian representative to the United Nations, Majid Takht Rawanji, confirmed during a UN meeting last Tuesday that his country reserves its right to respond to any threats from Israel, adding: “Israel continues to lie and deceive to show that our nuclear program is a threat to the region.”

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