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Pederson and Bogdanov discuss the results of the Syrian Constitutional Committee discussions in its fifth round

Russia Today revealed talks between the UN envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov that took place yesterday, Monday, the discussions centered on the results of the Syrian Constitutional Committee in its fifth round.

The two sides stressed, according to what Russia said today, “the importance of continuing the comprehensive dialogue between the Syrian parties, with the help of the United Nations, in order to achieve a comprehensive settlement of the Syrian crisis on the basis of UN Security Council Resolution 2254.”

The United Nations envoy to Syria Geir Pedersen announced at the end of the fifth round of the constitutional committee discussions last Friday evening in Geneva, that the talks were disappointing.

He added, “I informed the 45 members of the Constitutional Drafting Assembly that we cannot continue like this, and that the week was a disappointment, and we cannot continue the meetings unless we change that.”

The special envoy added, “I explained to them some things that should have been achieved in this session, but unfortunately we did not accomplish anything of them, and unfortunately the work was not feasible, and did not differ from the previous rounds.”

Pedersen held the delegation of the Assad regime and its president, Ahmed Al-Kuzbari, responsible for the failure of the tour, noting that the co-chair, Hadi Al-Bahra, “presented a proposal on the method of work and rejected Al-Kuzbari, and also rejected my proposal, while Al-Bahra agreed to it.”

It is scheduled that Pederson will travel to the Syrian capital Damascus soon to hold talks with the Assad regime.

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