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In English

Pederson expresses his hope that the efforts will succeed in preserving the humanitarian aid passage in northwest Syria

The UN special envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, expressed his hope that the Irish and Norwegian efforts would succeed in preserving the only remaining aid passage across the border into Syria from Turkey.

“We still believe that cross-border operations are really necessary with hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people suffering economic hardship due to the Corona epidemic,” Pederson said in a speech at the “Institute of International and European Affairs” in Dublin.

He added, “We hope that Ireland and Norway will hold on to the issue without allowing them to be influenced, and then it will be possible to push this process forward.” Corona, which led to a slow tsunami sweeping through Syria, with eight out of ten people living in poverty.

Ireland and Norway were charged with the task of negotiating again with the UN Security Council countries to keep the Bab Al-Hawa border crossing open as a transit point for humanitarian aid coming from Turkey to northwestern Syria.

On July 11, 2020, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution submitted by Germany and Belgium, according to which the UN cross-border aid mechanism was extended to Syria from one crossing on the Turkish border for a year, after Russia and China obstructed the council’s ratification of a Belgian-German draft resolution Another, by extending the mechanism for the delivery of cross-border aid to Syria, for the second time within 4 days, forcing the two countries to amend it and provide it again.

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