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In English

US advisor: We are ready to reach a binding agreement with Iran concerning the nuclear deal

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed in a statement to CNN that Washington is ready to reach a binding agreement with Iran if it returns to compliance with its obligations.

“What we have said over and over again is that the United States is ready to return to its commitments in the event that Iran returns to compliance with the terms of the agreement,” Sullivan said.

The American consultant added that Iran has also refused to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency in the work it is trying to do to ensure that Iran’s program is not used for weapons.

In an interview with “PRESS TV”, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that his country would be open to negotiations on reviving the Iranian nuclear deal, as soon as all the parties concerned began to fulfill their obligations.

Zarif added, “US President Joe Biden has rejected the policy of his predecessor, Donald Trump, towards Iran with words, but has so far followed the same measures in practice”.

He also added, “Nothing has changed. Biden claims that Trump’s policy of maximum pressure on Tehran was a catastrophic failure, but practically the same policy is being pursued”.

Washington withdrew in May 2018 from the Iran nuclear deal signed in 2015, and imposed economic sanctions on Tehran, and since Washington’s withdrawal from the nuclear agreement, former US President Trump imposed a series of sanctions to reduce Tehran’s regional influence.

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