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In English

To distribute Corona vaccines.. the Security Council calls for a truce to conflicts around the world

Yesterday, the United Nations Security Council called on all parties of armed conflicts around the world to immediately engage in a “firm, comprehensive and lasting humanitarian armistice”, to allow a fair distribution of anti-Coronavirus vaccines.

The Security Council unanimously adopted a draft resolution prepared by Britain last week, considering the resolution a major test of cooperation between China and the administration of US President Joe Biden within the United Nations.

The resolution – the second adopted within a year by the Security Council on the pandemic – calls for solidarity and a ceasefire in the various conflicts raging around the world, to strengthen the response to the virus and anti-vaccination campaigns.

It also requires all parties involved in armed conflict to immediately adhere to a permanent humanitarian armistice, which would facilitate the delivery and distribution of vaccines in a fair, safe and unimpeded manner in areas experiencing armed conflict.

The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stressed the importance of voting in favor of equitable distribution of vaccines, expressing the organization’s satisfaction with this development.

The Security Council adopted a resolution supporting the United Nations’ global call for a ceasefire on 1 July 2020 for a period of 90 days, in order to be able to deliver life-saving aid in a safe, sustainable and unimpeded manner.

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