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In English

Erdogan and Johnson stress the importance of continuing the delivery of humanitarian aid to Syria

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson stressed the importance of renewing the UN Security Council resolution on the delivery of humanitarian aid to northwestern Syria via Turkey.

This came during a phone call made by the two presidents, according to a statement issued by the British Prime Minister, on Monday.

The two sides discussed ways to enhance cooperation in the field of defense between the two countries, and stressed the importance of bilateral trade relations, the ties between the people of the two countries, and the importance of Turkey as an ally in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The two leaders expressed their happiness at the conclusion of a free trade agreement between the two countries last December, and they agreed on the need for this agreement to form a platform to further promote trade and investment between the two countries.

The two leaders touched on the situation in Libya, where they stressed the importance of implementing a ceasefire and reducing tension in this country.

The statement of the Turkish Presidency’s Communication Department stated that Erdogan and Johnson discussed by phone issues of trade, tourism, defense, agriculture, combating Corona and steps to strengthen relations and regional files.

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