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In English

The UAE criticizes “Caesar”.. and the US State Department affirms that the only way to stabilize Syria is a political solution

US State Department spokesman Ned Price said yesterday, Tuesday, in response to the criticism made by Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed regarding the “Caesar Act”,I believe that stability in Syria and the wider region can only be achieved through a political process that represents the will of all Syrians.”

This came during a press interview conducted by the American “Al-Hurra” channel, with a US State Department spokesman.

“We are committed to working with allies, partners and the United Nations to ensure that the political solution in Syria remains within reach,” added Price.

“The very serious humanitarian crisis in Syria is a direct result of the Assad regime’s obstruction of life-saving aid, systemic corruption and economic mismanagement,” he explained.

On the seriousness of the Assad regime’s participation in the political process, Price stressed, “It is imperative for the regime (the Assad regime) and its supporters to seriously engage in political dialogue and allow humanitarian aid to reach communities in need in order to achieve a sustainable end to the suffering of the Syrian people.”

The Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed said in his press conference with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, that “Syria’s return to its surroundings is inevitable, and it is in the interest of Syria and the region as a whole, and the biggest challenge facing coordination and joint work with Syria is the Caesar’s law. “.

Bin Zayed stressed the importance of the Assad regime and its supporters resorting to political dialogue and opening the way for humanitarian aid.

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