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United Nations officials urge international donors to boost their humanitarian support to Syria

Officials in the United Nations in the field of relief, development and refugee affairs urged international donors to strengthen their support for millions of Syrians dependent on humanitarian aid, in conjunction with the start of the fifth “Brussels” conference dedicated to supporting the Syrians.

According to a statement issued by the United Nations today, Monday, 24 million people in Syria and neighboring countries need various forms of humanitarian aid.

The statement noted that the Coronavirus pandemic has increased the Syrians’ crises, including hunger, poverty, continuous displacement and continuous attacks.

Full support for Syrians in 2021 requires the provision of more than ten billion dollars, of which residents need at least $ 4.2 billion, while 5.6 billion of it is provided to support refugees and host communities in the region, according to the statement.

“The Syrians need more help, and more than at any time during the war,” said the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Mark Lowcock.

Lowcock added that the last ten years have led to deteriorating living conditions, economic decline, and the Coronavirus pandemic, to more hunger, malnutrition and disease.
The number of people in need of aid increased by four million people over the year 2020, which is the largest number since the start of the Syrian revolution.

The High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, warned that the international community cannot turn its back on the refugees or their hosts, warning of catastrophic consequences for people and the region if the required support is not achieved.
Source: Agencies

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