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In English

Iran rejects an American proposal to lift the sanctions

Iranian media said that the Foreign Ministry rejected a US proposal to lift the sanctions according to a step-by-step principle.

The website of the official channel quoted Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatib Zadeh as saying: “The unequivocal policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to lift all US sanctions.”

He added: “The final policy of Iran is to lift all American sanctions, whether those that Trump re-imposed after withdrawing from the nuclear agreement or those that he initiated, as well as the sanctions imposed under any other item.”

Khatibzadeh’s comments came in response to allegations by Deputy Spokeswoman for the US State Department Galina Porter about a planned meeting between representatives of Iran and other countries in Vienna on Tuesday to discuss the 2015 nuclear deal, according to Iranian television.

On Friday, the European Union announced that it would hold meetings in Vienna next Tuesday with all the parties that signed the nuclear deal, including the United States, in order to clearly define the lifting of sanctions and the implementation of the nuclear pledges.

In May 2018, Washington withdrew from the nuclear agreement concluded between Iran and the 5 + 1 group, which includes Russia, Britain, China, the United States, France and Germany, and imposed economic sanctions on Tehran.

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