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In English

The Medical Office in Efrin : We have taken precautionary measures to stop the spread of Corona in the village of “Aqjela”

The Efrin Health Directorate imposed a quarantine on the village of Aqla, affiliated with Jenderes district, in Efrin countryside, north of Aleppo, due to the increase in the number of Coronavirus infections.

Dr. Ahmed Haji Al-Hassan, head of the medical office for the city of Efrin, explained in a statement to Fresh about the time period for the quarantine, and other measures that have been taken, saying: “The time period for quarantine in the village is 14 days, and we took a survey of all contacts, as it was a result.
The survey showed 28 cases of corona virus.

Dr. Ahmed Haji Al-Hassan confirmed that all necessary precautions have been taken in the village, including securing a mobile clinic consisting of a doctor, midwife and nurse and providing the necessary medicines.

Dr. Ahmed indicated that coordination has been made with the “AFAD” organization to secure relief baskets for the inhabitants of the village of “Aggela”, and coordination with the local council in Jenderes and the rest of the official institutions to meet all the needs in the village.

Today, Monday, the Syria Response Coordinators Group warned of the high number of coronavirus infections in northwestern Syria, “as a result of the disregard for the necessary preventive measures to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, and the weakness of humanitarian response operations in the region,” according to the statement.

The statement continued: “We reiterate the hope once again that the methods of preventing the virus should be followed, in order to allow the medical personnel to contain any new wave of the spread of the Corona virus during the coming period.”

In a statement, the Syrian Civil Defense said that its teams began to intensify clearance operations in the countryside of the city of Al-Bab, east of Aleppo, to reduce as much as possible the re-spread of the epidemic.

And the Syrian Civil Defense noted that the start of the trend of Corona infections increasing again, heralds a second wave of the epidemic, which may be more dangerous than the previous one.

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