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In English

28 new cases of Coronavirus in northern Syria

The Early Warning and Epidemic Response Network of the Support Coordination Unit announced the registration of 22 new cases of Coronavirus in northern Syria, bringing the number of infections to 21,458.

A new case of recovery was recorded, bringing the number of cases to 19,569, while the death toll remained at 638 deaths, with no new cases recorded.

The Network confirmed that the number of cases that were tested yesterday was 859, bringing the total number of cases that were tested until yesterday to 112,550 tests in northern Syria.

The network recorded 6 new infections in the liberated “Peace Spring” areas in the north-east of the country, and the injuries reached 141, 88 recoveries and one death, after 3205 analyzes were conducted.

The health authorities in northern Syria had warned of the accelerating spread of the Corona virus in the region, stressing the need to strictly follow the necessary preventive measures to limit the spread of the pandemic.

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