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In English

The fourth wave of Coronavirus is covering Iran in red

With the beginning of the solar Hijri year 1400 in Iran and the return of families from the Nowruz holiday, which falls on March 21, the rates of Corona virus outbreaks have increased in most parts of the country.

The outbreak of Corona in Iran has reached an unprecedented extent, as the number of infections increased from 6 thousand last March to about 22 thousand people this April,
Iranian Health Minister Saeed Namaki said: “The Corona Dragon bridle came out of our hands and we are currently facing one of the most terrible waves of the virus in the country.”

Also, Deputy Minister of Health Iraj Harirchi announced yesterday, Wednesday, that 257 cities have turned red, which symbolizes severity, and 129 cities have a high-risk orange color, and 85% of the cities are covered in two colors.

During the past two days, the number of red cities has tripled, and the number of deaths due to Corona can reach 600 people every day.

This significant increase in infections occurs after a state of stability that the country witnessed before the start of a new year, as only 23 cities were in red and orange, but with the beginning of the year, infection and death rates began to rise with the increase in Nowruz flights, which increased by 60% over the previous year and reached in
Some areas are 120%, according to the chief of the Iranian road police.

According to the Ministry of Health spokeswoman Sima Sadat Lari, 22 thousand and 586 new cases were registered during the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of people with corona in Iran to 2 million 6 thousand and 934 people.

And 185 new deaths have been recorded since the day before yesterday, Wednesday, bringing the number of deaths in Corona in Iran to 63,884 people so far.

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