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In English

New cases of Corona were recorded in northwestern Syria

The various Syrian regions recorded 385 infections and 13 new deaths of Corona, and the infections were distributed by 24 infections in the northern regions of Syria, 125 in the areas controlled by the Assad regime and 236 in the areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces in the northeast of the country.

According to the Early Warning Network in northern Syria, 18 new cases of corona were recorded, with the number of cases reaching 21,476 cases, in the liberated areas.

While the outcome of recovery cases stopped at 19,569, and the death toll remained at 638 deaths, with no new cases recorded.

It confirmed that the number of cases that were tested yesterday is 303, bringing the total number of cases that have been tested until yesterday to 112,853 tests in northern Syria.

While the network recorded 4 new cases in the liberated “Peace Spring” areas in the north-east of the country, 147 injuries, 88 recoveries and one death, after 3267 analyzes were conducted.

A specialized team from the Syrian Civil Defense transferred the body of a man from the hospital for Coronavirus cases in the city of Afrin, north of Aleppo, and buried it in the town of Sharan, according to the necessary preventive measures.

The team pointed out the need for civilians to take the utmost preventive measures and inform the competent teams when there are doubts about the symptoms of the virus, as the epidemic curve began to rise again, which foretells a second wave that may be more dangerous than the previous one.

Most of the Syrian regions have returned to record an increase in the outcome of Corona, most of them in the areas controlled by the Assad regime, which is ignoring and exploiting the outbreak of the epidemic, while the areas of the Syrian Democratic Forces have witnessed an escalation in the outcome of Corona with a lack of preventive measures, while medical warnings about the risks of accelerating the outbreak of the pandemic continue in the regions of northern Syria with the overcrowding of the region.

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