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In English

“Watad” raises fuel prices in Idlib

The “Watad” company raised fuel prices in Idlib governorate, justifying this by the devaluation of the Turkish lira.

Today, Saturday, the company set the new price list, as the price of a liter of imported diesel increased to 6.11 Turkish liras, while the price of refined diesel rose to 4.33 Turkish liras.

The new price increase also included imported gasoline, to a liter price of 6.35 Turkish liras, and the price of a household gas cylinder increased to 89 Turkish liras.

This rise in fuel prices comes after a price stagnation for more than two weeks, as the “Watad” justified that rise by the depreciation of the Turkish lira against the US dollar.

“Watad” links the rise in fuel prices to the Turkish lira’s exchange rate against the US dollar, as it has relied on the Turkish lira in the pricing of fuel since last June, after the Syrian pound collapsed to record levels against foreign currencies.

The exchange rate of the Turkish lira against the US dollar on Saturday morning was 8.33.

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