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In English

A Russian newspaper mocks the Assad regime’s missiles, describing it as stupid

The Russian “Kommersant” newspaper described the Syrian missiles as stupid and warned against using them.

Arab agencies reported what the Russian newspaper published about the danger of the missile launched by the Assad regime forces a few days ago, and it fell near the Israeli nuclear reactor in Dimona.

The newspaper added that the Assad regime is using S200 batteries, which are a very old model made by the Soviets in the 1960s, and it mentioned previous incidents of these batteries in Syria when the Russian II-20 plane was shot down, when these missiles were responding to the Israeli bombing of Syria in 2018, describing it as a very dangerous situation.

It is noteworthy that the incidents of Syrian air defense missiles falling on random areas, including civilian homes, several times, including in the countryside of Hama, claiming the lives of an entire family, the last of which was in the village of Amra in the countryside of Sweida last February.

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