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In English

2300 unaccompanied Syrian children entered the European Union last year

In a report, the European Statistics Office revealed that nearly 14,000 unaccompanied children arrived in the European Union countries during the year 2020, including 2,300 Syrian children, pointing out that 13,600 children applied for asylum in the European Union countries last year.

The report pointed out that the number of asylum applications for minors decreased by 4% during the year 2020, compared to the year 2019, when the number reached 14 thousand and 100 applications, and indicated that the number of “minor” refugees is on a decreasing trend after it reached its peak in 2015 with 92 thousand.

According to the report, two-thirds of the children are from Afghanistan, Syria and Pakistan, and the percentage of Syrians among the minor refugees reached 17%, to come second after the Afghan refugees 400 children, including each from Austria and the Netherlands.

Last Wednesday, the European Statistics Office indicated that the number of asylum seekers granted by the European Union countries with protection status in the year 2020 reached 281,000, including about 75,000 Syrians.

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