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In English

The Syrian Network “confirms Russia’s involvement in the use of weapons of mass destruction in Syria

The Syrian Network for Human Rights said today, Thursday, in a report on the crimes of the Assad regime and Russia in Syria, that Russia has become a true participant in the use of weapons of mass destruction against the Syrian people.

The report added: “The Assad regime carried out 184 chemical attacks, following its ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention in September 2013,” criticizing the countries that refused to criminalize the Assad regime within the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

The report considered that Russia is a true partner of the Assad regime in using weapons of mass destruction against the Syrians, after it supported one of the forces of the Assad regime (Alnemer), stressing that this matter makes it a partner in the chemical attack, which explains its attempt to distort the results of the reports of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

In talking about the countries that voted against stripping the Assad regime of its rights in the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the report of the “Syrian Network” described them as “countries of shame.”

The report warned that the decision to strip the Assad regime as a member of the Chemical Weapons Convention of its privileges will not constitute any deterrence to the regime and its allies, and additional steps must be taken from the United Nations General Assembly, particularly.

The reports of the Syrian Network for Human Rights still reveal the involvement of Russian forces with the Assad regime in committing crimes against the Syrian people, which amount to war crimes.

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