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The death toll from Coronavirus infection.. and the start of receiving the vaccine in northern Syria

The Early Warning Network announced the registration of 30 new cases of Coronavirus in northern Syria, bringing the number of infections to 21,962, recoveries 19,946 cases, and 641 deaths.

She confirmed that the number of cases tested yesterday was 404, bringing the total number of cases tested until yesterday to 122 thousand and 245 tests in northern Syria.

The network had indicated that it had confirmed new deaths from positive cases of the Coronavirus in the regions of Aleppo and Idlib, which is likely to increase the announced outcome during the daily disclosure of the outcome of the epidemic in northern Syria.

While the civil defense teams (the White Helmets) previously transferred the bodies of people from centers and hospitals for the Coronavirus in northern Syria and buried them according to strict preventive measures, and also indicated that suspected cases of infection with the virus were transferred to quarantine centers.
The network also recorded 34 new infections in the “Peace Spring” regions in the north-east of the country, bringing the number of injuries to 343, 88 recoveries and 6 deaths, after discovering a new death.

The Syrian Civil Defense Foundation broadcast scenes of a number of medical personnel and humanitarian workers receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, and said that it is very important as they are on the front lines to confront the virus.

She pointed out that the first phase will include the vaccination campaign that the Syria vaccination team is carrying out in northwestern Syria, to immunize themselves and be able to respond to cases infected with the virus, while the second phase will include workers in public affairs, the elderly and people with chronic diseases.

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