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In English

Russian air strikes target the locations of the revolutionary factions in Idlib and Aleppo

Russian warplanes launched several missile strikes yesterday, Thursday, targeting the concentration points of the revolutionary factions southwest of the city of Azaz and others in Idlib, and there were no reports of injuries.

The Fresh Online correspondent reported that the Russian warplanes targeted sites of the revolutionary factions on the lines of contact with the Assad forces in the village of Kafr Khashir, south of Azaz.

Russian warplanes also bombed the sites of the revolutionary factions stationed in the Al-Jahbel and Al-Sour area in the vicinity of Ain Issa city in the northern countryside of Raqqa.

Al-Assad forces bombed the vicinity of the village of Al-Hanboushieh and the village of Ain Al-Bayda in the western countryside of Idlib, coinciding with the targeting of a Russian warplane around the village of Khirbet Al-Naqous in the Al-Ghab Plain.

The cities and villages in the countryside of Idlib and Aleppo are subjected to fierce bombardment by the Assad regime and Russia with heavy artillery and rocket launchers, in addition to the bombing of warplanes, which resulted in dozens of victims and injuries, and massive damage to infrastructure and public property.

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