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After recording a huge increase in Corona cases, the first shipments of American medical aid arrived to India

India has set a new record in the daily infection rate with the Coronavirus, while the forefront of US medical aid, whose value exceeds a hundred million dollars, has arrived at New Delhi Airport.

Today, the Indian Ministry of Health announced more than 386,000 cases and more than 3,500 deaths within one day, in a country of 1.3 billion people.

The authorities counted more than 6 million cases in the month of April alone, bringing the total number of cases in India to more than 18 million.

The number of deaths since the start of the pandemic has risen to more than 208,000, while the number of so-called active cases has risen to more than 3 million out of 18 million cases recorded so far.

India has thus jumped to the second place in the list of countries most affected by the Corona virus after the United States due to the spread of what has become known as the modified Indian strain of the virus, in addition to non-compliance with the health rules and restrictions associated with the epidemic, as stated by the World Health Organization.

While India continues to set records in infections, the first shipments of US medical aid arrived on Friday in India, which is witnessing a tremendous rise in the number of cases and deaths with Covid-19.

The “Super Galaxy” military cargo plane landed with more than 400 oxygen cylinders, along with other hospital equipment and about a million rapid corona virus testing kits, at New Delhi International Airport, at a time when the Indian capital is facing an unprecedented health crisis.

The cases of Coronavirus cases recorded globally exceeded 150 million 337 thousand and 583 infections in the world since the virus was discovered in China in December 2019, including 6 million infections recorded within one week, in a number reinforced by the worsening spread of the virus in India, where 2.5 million people were infected with the virus in the past seven days.

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