In English

“There is no legitimacy for the Assad regime”.. a mass demonstration in the city of Idlib refuses to hold elections in Syria

Mass demonstrations took place in the city of Idlib, today, Wednesday, in opposition to the so-called “presidential elections” that the Assad regime is holding in its areas of control, and through which it seeks to re-elect Bashar al-Assad for a new seven-year term.

The people of Idlib governorate, and the displaced from all over the country participated in the Idlib demonstration, including women, children and the elderly, who all carried banners with slogans such as “No legitimacy for Assad and his elections.”

Hundreds of civilians gathered in the city center of Idlib, in a demonstration called for days ago by civil society activists, carrying banners and chanting slogans against the Assad regime’s elections, indicating that “it is nothing but a farce with weak script and direction.”

The Idlib demonstration is considered the largest among the demonstrations held by Syrians opposed to the Assad regime throughout the country, and the choice of its timing comes in conjunction with the opening of the ballot boxes, amid popular rejection in the opposition-controlled areas in northwest and eastern Syria, and what looks like a forced vote in the areas under its control in the south and west and country.

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