Most of them are Syrians.. Germany records a noticeable increase in the number of refugees
The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees said, on Tuesday, that the number of asylum applications in Germany rose to 8,278 new applications from asylum seekers and 950 second requests.
The office added that the number of asylum applications for the first time increased by 119.2% compared to the same month last year, and compared to the previous month, the number of asylum applications increased by 2.6%.
He explained that the number of Syrian refugees reached 3,776 people, as they constituted the largest group of applicants for the first applications last month, followed by the Afghans, 1,594 people, and then the Iraqis, 651 people.
A spokesman for the bloc of the German Chancellor for Migration and Asylum, Matthias Middelberg, said: “The significant increase in the volume of immigration across the Mediterranean to Italy and Spain is related to economic migration rather than migration for the purpose of displacement.”
The German newspaper, Die Welt, reported, on April 23, that the percentage of asylum applications decreased in the three months of this year compared to the same period of the previous year, more than one third.
Source: agencies