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SNHR: Half of the Syrian people are forcibly displaced and unable to return

In a report, the Syrian Network for Human Rights said that more than half of the Syrian people are forcibly displaced between displaced persons and refugees and are unable to return to their areas.

The network report stressed that the main reason behind the killings was the bombing of various types of weapons, especially through the air force used by the Assad regime and its Russian ally, with the aim of killing the largest possible number of civilians, which prompted them to massively flee.

The report indicated that the aerial bombardment is responsible for between 70 and 75% of the total killings, destruction and displacement.

The report added that security prosecutions and arbitrary arrests have affected hundreds of thousands of Syrians, as it is estimated that 2.1 million Syrians have been subjected to detention, and 131,178 of them are still under arrest or enforced disappearance so far by the Assad regime, and 14,338 of them have been killed due to torture.

The report considered that this is the second factor behind the Syrians’ asylum and their unwillingness to return as long as the security services of the Assad regime control the Syrians.

According to the report, the third factor is the siege of entire areas and the prevention of aid from entering them in a form of collective punishment, then the conclusion of compulsory reconciliation agreements aimed at displacing their people.
The main factors have led to continuous forced displacement over a period of ten years. The UNHCR estimates that nearly 13 million Syrians are between displaced and refugees, distributed as follows, approximately 6 million internally displaced, nearly 7 million refugees, the vast majority of whom are borne by the cordon countries.

In its report, the Syrian Network emphasized that the issue of displaced Syrians and refugees cannot be resolved without ending the armed conflict and achieving a political transition towards democracy and human rights.

The report indicated that the Security Council and the United Nations must make real efforts to implement the political transition resolution 2254 within a strict timetable that does not exceed 12 months at the latest, which will achieve a safe, dignified and voluntary return of the displaced and Syrian refugees.

The report stressed that all countries in the world in which there are Syrian refugees must not withdraw their residency or send them to unsafe and unstable areas, or return them to Syria, but rather help them integrate into society, reunite their families and give them all their rights in accordance with international human rights law.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights has documented the death of 227,781 civilians, including 29,250 children and 16,155 women, from March 2011 to June 2021, at the hands of the conflict parties and the controlling forces in Syria.

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