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In English

The National Coalition calls for a renewal of the decision of the aid entry mechanism into northern Syria

Yesterday, Tuesday, the head of the Syrian National Coalition, Dr. Nasr Hariri, sent a message to the foreign ministers of the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Japan, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan, regarding ensuring the entry of aid
for northern Syria.

Hariri said: “It is necessary to renew the decision to enter humanitarian aid across the Turkish border, into the liberated north of Syria.”

He added: “The Assad regime bears full responsibility for the plight of the Syrian people, whether inside or outside Syria, for what it has used all the means and weapons available to it to suppress the Syrian revolution, including chemical weapons, siege and starvation.”

He stressed that it is important to extend UN Security Council Resolution 2533, which provides for sending humanitarian aid across the border, noting the need to send it through the border crossings between Turkey and Syria, namely: Bab al-Salam, Bab al-Hawa, al-Yarubiyah, and Ramtha.

Regarding Russia’s decision to object to aid convoys across the border, Hariri made it clear that not renewing the decision would certainly cause a major humanitarian disaster, given the huge number of displaced people in the liberated areas in northern Syria.

He also called on the international and international community friendly to the Syrian people, to take measures outside the Security Council, if necessary, to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid across the border to those in need in Syria, and to protect the Syrian people from the war crimes that the Assad regime and its allies continue to commit.

The head of the coalition stressed the need to support the establishment of practical mechanisms with a specific time frame for the full implementation of UN Resolution 2254, especially the formation of a transitional governing body with full powers, which is the nucleus of the political transition in Syria, calling for the use of all means to pressure the Assad regime to grant the relevant organizations
In order to ascertain the conditions of the detainees, to press for the lives of hundreds of thousands of detainees and to ensure their immediate release.

It is noteworthy that Russia is still waving its veto in the Security Council, to close the Bab al-Hawa crossing, which is the only crossing for humanitarian aid to enter the liberated areas in northern Syria.

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