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In English

International organizations call on Australia to rescue dozens of women and children from Syrian camps

“The situation has become one of the most complex child protection crises today,” said Fabrizio Carboni, the regional director of the International Committee of the Red Cross, according to what was reported by the British Guardian newspaper.

Carboni added: “Tens of thousands of Syrian children are trapped in horrific conditions that no child should live in,” explaining that “children must be treated first and foremost as victims.”

According to the newspaper, there are renewed calls in Australia to return about 60 Australian women and children, who are still in Roj camp in Syria, and it is believed that the number of children is close to 40.

In its Australian edition, the Guardian newspaper revealed, in June, that an 11-year-old Australian girl suffered a suspected collapse due to malnutrition in Roj camp, which required ambulance intervention.

Senator Janet Rice said Thursday: “About 40 children are now living in a desperate situation, with their lives at great and unnecessary risk because the Morrison government refuses to act.”

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