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In English

31 new cases of coronavirus were recorded in northwest Syria

Yesterday, Sunday, the Early Warning Network recorded 31 new infections with the Corona virus in northwestern Syria, bringing the number of recorded infections to 26,016.

The network stated that 12 of the new cases were recorded in Aleppo countryside (5 in Afrin, 5 in Al-Bab, 1 in Jarablus, 1 in Azaz), and Idlib Governorate recorded 19 infections (3 in Idlib, 16 in Harem).

The network recorded 36 cases of recovery, 15 of which were recorded in Afrin in the Aleppo countryside, and Idlib governorate recorded 21 cases of recovery (10 in Harem city, 5 in Idlib, 5 in Ariha, 1 in Jisr al-Shafour), bringing the total number of cases of recovery to 22,888, and cases The death toll from the Corona virus recorded by the network in the liberated areas is 717.

The Epidemiological Surveillance Laboratory of the Early Warning Network Program indicated that it conducted 478 analyzes of the Corona virus, bringing the number of analyzes it carried out to 159,442 in northern Syria.

The campaign to vaccinate people with chronic diseases, the elderly, health workers and humanitarian workers against the Corona virus continues, in the liberated areas in northwestern Syria, under the supervision of the Syria Vaccine Team. On Saturday morning, May 1, 2021, the vaccination campaign against the Corona virus was launched in Idlib Governorate.

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