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In English

5 Syrian refugees were injured by burns in a fire that broke out in their camp in eastern Lebanon

The Lebanese National News Agency said that 5 Syrian refugees, including women, were injured yesterday, as a result of a fire that broke out in a refugee camp near the town of Brital in the Baalbek Governorate, eastern Lebanon.

According to the Lebanese National News Agency, civil defense firefighters managed to put out a fire that broke out in the “Hilal camp” for the displaced Syrians, which resulted in the burning of 40 tents.

The agency added that civil defense teams were able to put out a fire that broke out in  “Hilal” camp for Syrian refugees.

The fire resulted in the burning of 40 tents, and 5 refugees, including 3 women, suffocated, and two of the injuries were transferred to hospitals for treatment, according to the agency.

The agency indicated that the security authorities opened an investigation into the incident to find out the details of the fire.

The fire was caused by an electrical short circuit, and the wind speed caused the fire to spread to a number of tents, which led to the explosion of a number of gas cylinders, according to the Lebanese Al-Jadeed channel.

Syrian refugee camps in Lebanon witness fires from time to time, most of which result in civilian casualties, most of whom are children.

On the 23rd of last April, a Syrian child was killed, and several people sustained burns as a result of a fire that broke out in their camp in the town of “Bhanin al-Miniyah” in northern Lebanon.

More than 1.5 million Syrian refugees live in Lebanon, distributed among dozens of informal camps and Lebanese cities.
Syrian refugees in Lebanon are living in difficult and harsh humanitarian conditions with the aim of forcing them to return to Syria.

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