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In English

The Independent: The ongoing collapse in Lebanon is pushing the Syrians to return to their country

The British newspaper, The Independent, revealed, in a report today, the tendency of a number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon to return to Syria, despite the dangers that surround them.

The newspaper said in the report that the ongoing collapse in Lebanon and the poor living conditions have prompted large numbers of refugees to consider returning to Syria.

In its interview with refugee families in Lebanon, the newspaper revealed that the situation in Lebanon is extremely difficult, which prompted some families to “take unimaginable decisions, such as sending their children to the axis of war,” according to the report.

For its part, the United Nations explained that the Syrian refugees, numbering about one million, live in extreme poverty in Lebanon, with a budget of one dollar per day, and they do not find food or money to buy it.

Since this return is often unregistered, it is not possible to know the actual number of returnees to Syria, but the UNHCR estimated their number since 2016 at about 68 thousand people.
This has contributed to the unprecedented economic collapse that Lebanon is experiencing, the loss of the currency 95% of its value, and the repercussions of this from the five-fold increase in food prices, permanent power cuts and fuel shortages, among others.

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