A loyal Syrian citizen breaks his silence and sends a message to Bashar al-Assad with “I hate you” written on it
A number of supporters of the Assad regime and its popular incubator expressed their indignation at the statements it contained, which contradicted reality and the truth, and undermined the simplest aspirations of loyal Syrians.
During the past two days, a number of Assad regime loyalists expressed their discontent with the speech through lengthy posts on social media platforms, where a text of a message appended to the name of “Amin Saqr Hassan” was spread along with his mobile number.
In his message, he addresses the loyal citizen Bashar al-Assad in very harsh terms, expressing his strong hatred for Assad, calling for a mercy bullet to be fired at him to end his miserable life due to the deteriorating living conditions, which have reached the brink of collapse.
And the message of “Amin Saqr Hassan” stated, “Oh, ruler of the country, with his intelligence, jailers, and murderers.. I am a citizen. I ask for death in your usual ways.. This oppression and humiliation cannot be tolerated more”
He attacked Assad’s last speech, saying, “I did not understand the swearing-in speech more than as another challenge..not for Israel, not for America, nor for Turkey at all,” but “a challenge to those oppressed, miserable, hungry and displaced persons.. Your face almost said that Syria goes and all its important people die. I remained
He added sarcastically, “Head over who?
Are there people left to be president over?
claim sovereignty?
Sovereignty over an occupied country from five countries.”
He continued, “You only control modern prisons, jailers, and tools of torture, which are the only ones that America does not mind importing at will, and certainly exempt from Caesar’s law.”
He also mocked Assad’s laughter by saying, “Smiling to fool who??
Those who are crushed in front of the ovens for a loaf of bread?” or “Your elected officials are stacked like a can of sardines in front of your corrupt institutions for a handful of wheat,” and you “watch the enemies of your country how they harvest your wheat and sell it in front of you while you watch them.”
He added, “You smile while we cry.. We cry over an army that was destroyed by your hands?
We cry over the economy, all of its money has been transferred to foreign banks in your names.”
He also accused Bashar al-Assad of destroying Syria, claiming that he is victorious, adding, “I am not afraid of you, and in order to relieve you of dispensing gasoline, I will give you my detailed address to send whoever you want.”
This is a people for whom life and death are equal… and they are waiting for your killers.”
And he concluded his lengthy publication by publishing his triple name and address in the village of Ain Shaqaq, which belongs to Jableh, accompanied by the phone number with the word “I hate you” three times.