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In English

Jordan thwarts two attempts to smuggle drugs from Syria

Jordanian forces announced that they had thwarted two attempts to smuggle large quantities of narcotics, in addition to a Kalashnikov type firearm, a store containing 30 rounds of the same weapon and a night vision device, coming from Syria.

A military source in the Jordanian army said: “The eastern military region, in coordination with the specialized security services, has thwarted my attempt to smuggle drugs from Syrian territory to Jordanian territory.”

The source added, “The rules of engagement were applied, which led to the arrest of one person, the injury of several of them, and the escape of the rest of the people into the Syrian depth.”

He explained that after searching the two smuggling areas, 362,600 Captagon narcotic pills and 273 hashish palms were found, stressing that the Jordanian forces will deal with force and firmness with any infiltration or smuggling attempt to protect the borders.

On the 19th of this month, the Jordanian Armed Forces, in cooperation with the Narcotics Control Department, had previously thwarted an attempt to smuggle a large amount of drugs from Syria. At the beginning of this month, the Jordanian forces thwarted several infiltration and smuggling attempts from Syrian territory into Jordanian territory.

Jordan is considered a corridor for the transit of narcotics and hashish manufactured by the Assad regime, Iranian forces and Hezbollah militias, who control the Syrian border from Jordan, to be transported later to some countries and trade with them.

The length of the geographical borders between (Syria and Jordan) is 375 km, which makes the Kingdom one of the countries most affected by what is happening in Syria.

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