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In English

The Syrian Democratic Forces sign an agreement to supply the Assad regime with 400 tankers of oil per week

The American Al-Monitor website reported that the Syrian Democratic Forces signed an agreement to supply the Assad regime with 400 tankers of oil per week, in exchange for providing the Syrian Democratic Forces with 100 tanks of refined diesel and gasoline.

The Al-Monitor website indicated that the agreement was reached after several rounds of negotiations and meetings between the leaders of the Syrian Democratic Forces and representatives of the Al-Qatirji Company, that the tankers would be transported through the Al-Hawra and Al-Tabqa crossings from the Rumailan and Al-Shaddadi fields through Al-Qatirji Company.

The website explained that the agreement came as a result of Russian pressure aimed at alleviating the fuel crisis in the Assad regime-controlled areas, and that the Russian forces present in the area will accompany “Qaterji” convoys to protect them from targeting ISIS cells, and to ensure that the trucks are transported without delay or problems.

This agreement comes at a time when Assad regime-controlled areas are witnessing the spread of queues of cars in front of gas stations as a result of the stifling fuel crisis.

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