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In English

A child was shot dead by the Turkish gendarmerie in IDP camps north of Idlib

A child was shot dead by the Turkish Gendarmerie yesterday, Sunday, as a result of random shooting at the camps for the displaced in Atma area in northern Idlib countryside.

Our correspondent said that the 12-year-old child, Radwan Sattam Al-Obeid, displaced from Al-Jubeen village in Hama countryside, was shot dead by the Turkish Gendarmerie, while he was in front of his family’s tent in Al-Ali camp within Atma camp complex.

On August 18, Saher Nawras Ashqro, from Zouf village, was shot dead by members of the Turkish gendarmerie while trying to cross the border towards Turkish territory, and his body was transferred to Turkish territory.

On July 18, a sixteen-year-old boy was shot dead by Turkish gendarmerie elements on the Syrian-Turkish border, while trying to cross the border towards Turkey through smuggling routes.

Incidents of indiscriminate shooting by Turkish gendarmerie forces on civilians near the border strip are frequent, which has caused the death of many civilians while they were working in these areas or trying to cross into Turkish territory.

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