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The White Helmets document the killing and injuring of 12,000 civilians since Russian intervention in Syria

Th Syrian Civil Defense Organization “The White Helmets” said in a report: “the 5586 Russian attacks have killed and injured more than 12,000 civilians since its military intervention in Syria, over the last six years.”

The report confirmed that 4018 civilians have been killed including children and women during the period from 30 Sep 2015 to 20 Sep 2021, clarifying that Civil Defense teams were able to rescue 8272 civilians who were injured by Russian airstrikes.

The Civil Defense noted that “these are not all attacks, but only what the teams responded to, and there are a large number of attacks that the teams were unable to respond to, and they do not include the joint attacks between the forces of the Assad regime and the Russian forces.”

The report added that “the Russian attacks focused on city centers, civilian homes, and vital facilities, with the aim of displacing civilians and destroying all forms of life that support their stability.”

The report stressed that “the Russian forces have directly targeted the Syrian Civil Defense teams while working to rescue civilians, killing 36 volunteers and wounding 136 other volunteers since the start of their direct intervention in 2015.”
The White Helmets report warned that the Russian forces had followed a “scorched earth policy” in their support for the Assad regime’s forces over the past six years.

The report indicated that Russia directly supports the Assad regime forces with the weapons it uses, as well as providing it with laser-guided artillery shells of the type (Krasnopol), while the Assad regime forces have intensified their use of this type of weapon to inflict the largest number of casualties.

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