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In English

The National Coalition: Countries’ economic motives are not a justification for restoring their relations with the Assad regime

Yesterday, Sunday, the National Coalition said that the economic motives of countries are not a justification for restoring their relations with the Assad regime, following the phone call between Bashar al-Assad and Jordanian King Abdullah II.

According to the statement, “The Assad regime has made Syria one of the poorest country in the world, and it is unable to secure bread and fuel, so what can any country hope for from it, or what can the regime export to it except crises and disappointments?”

The statement pointed out that “instead of trying to float the system, we must work to end the problem from its roots. The genocide regime cannot be a factor of stability. Chaos and criminality are an essential element in the nature and composition of the system, and it depends on them for its survival.”

The coalition added: “We call upon all countries that extend their hand to this criminal regime that lacks legitimacy or are considering this to wait and rethink a thousand times,” stressing that the international action required for Syria’s return to its Arab and international surroundings begins with the implementation of international resolutions, and the accountability of war criminals.

The coalition also praised the Arab countries’ firm stances on their principled stance on the Assad regime, and their continued support for the Syrians, calling on them to support international trends calling for the Assad regime to be held accountable for its crimes and violations.

The coalition called on the international community to build a strict international mechanism in which sanctions would be combined to ensure stopping the ongoing crime in Syria, ending the suffering of tens of thousands of detainees in the regime’s prisons, ensuring the safe return of the displaced, and implementing international resolutions to achieve political transition.

On Sunday, King Abdullah II of Jordan received a phone call from Bashar al-Assad, for the first time since 2011.

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