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In English

The United Nations: 4,500 Syrian refugees in Jordan have returned to their country this year

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees announced that 4,500 Syrian refugees have returned to their country from Jordan this year.

The official spokesman for the UNHCR office, Muhammad al-Hawari, said, according to the Jordanian “Roya” website, about the fate of Syrian refugees in Jordan after the reopening of the borders between the two sides: “The solution to the problems related to the Syrian refugees comes by ending the war in their country, starting with the political process.”

He stressed that UNHCR’s work is humanitarian and responsible for protecting refugees, so that they are not exposed to danger again, and that all basic and important services such as education, work, and movement by obtaining work permits to leave the camp are available.

The official spokesman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Muhammad al-Hawari, indicated that 41,000 Syrian refugees returned to their country from October 2018 to October 3 this year.

It is worth noting that Jordan hosts about 650,000 Syrian refugees registered with the United Nations, while Amman estimates the number of those who have sought refuge in the Kingdom since the outbreak of the Syrian revolution in Syria at about 1.3 million.

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