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In English

The Syrian Civil Defense warns of the continuing the military escalation in Idlib province

The Syrian Civil Defense condemned the silence of the international community over the continuous attacks carried out by the Assad regime forces and Russia on the northwestern Syrian regions, warning of the continuing the military escalation and its danger on millions of Syrian people in these regions.

The Civil Defense published a statement, yesterday, Saturday, following the massacre in which four civilians were killed by artillery shelling on Sarmada, the Civil Defense said that his teams “responded during the military campaign that began in early June, until Friday, November 15, to more than 655 attacks carried out by the Assad regime forces and Russia on civilians’ homes in northwestern Syria.

The Civil Defense added, “These attacks killed more than 130 people, including 45 children and 23 women, in addition to two civil defense volunteers, while the teams rescued more than 345 people who were injured in those attacks, including 86 boys and girls.”

The escalation that took place yesterday in northwestern Syria threatens the lives of more than 4 million civilians, including more than 1.5 million forcibly displaced people living in the border strip camps that lack the minimum necessities of life.

The Civil Defense stressed that “the attacks launched by the Assad regime and Russia on vital facilities ten years ago, were not a coincidence or just a normal goal among the goals of their destructive war on the Syrians, but were systematic and deliberate and aimed directly at destroying life forms and collective punishment of civilians.”

The Civil Defense added, “The silence of the international community and the United Nations is tantamount to legitimizing these attacks, standing in the side of the killer, and a green light for the regime and Russia to continue their policy without any signs of accountability.”

Yesterday, the Assad regime forces and Russia targeted a number of vital facilities on the highway between Bab al-Hawa and Sarmada in Idlib northern countryside, leaving four victims, 23 injured and significant material losses.

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