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In English

Military reinforcements of the International Coalition reach northeastern Syria

The International Coalition brought military reinforcements to its base to northeastern of Syria which entered from the Semalka border crossing with Iraq, in conjunction with an intense flight of American helicopters.

According to a local sources, 37 military trucks of the International Coalition carrying Bradley type trackers, logistic equipment, and various ammunitions, in addition to communication equipment arrived to Rmelan city.

The sources indicated that the reinforcements will be distributed to the coalition bases in Al-Shaddadi, south of Al-Hasakah, and Tal Al-Baydar, north of Al-Hasakah.

These are the fourth reinforcements of the international coalition in about 30 days, hours after the Russian and Assad regime forces carried out ground military maneuvers in the countryside of the cities of Ain Issa and Tal Abyad, north of Raqqa, with intense flight of Russian helicopters, and in light of the accelerated talk about Turkey’s intention to launch military action against Syrian Democratic Forces in northeastern Syria.

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