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In English

Statistics Netherlands (CBS): The number of refugees has increased in the third quarter of 2021

According to the Dutch Statistics Agency (CBS), The number of new asylum seekers in the Netherlands has reached 8,845 in the third quarter of 2021, the most significant increase since the refugee crisis in 2015.

The agency indicated that about 2,550 Syrians applied for asylum in the third quarter of 2021, making them the largest group, while 1,565 people of Afghan nationality applied for refugee status, as the number of Afghan asylum seekers increased seven times over the second quarter of this year, coinciding with the Taliban seizing power in Afghanistan.

The agency indicated that the number of asylum applications submitted by Turkish nationals quadrupled from the previous quarter of 2021, reaching 1,540 people in the third quarter.

The agency indicated that the number of requests submitted to obtain permission for family reunification increased by 7 percent, and reached 2,270 requests, noting that most of them came from either Turkey or Syria.

The number of Syrian refugees in the Netherlands has reached nearly 100,000, and more than a third of them have obtained citizenship, according to a previous report issued by the Dutch Statistics Agency last September.

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