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In English

An American magazine: Washington’s keeping its U.S troops in Syria is disastrous

The Director of Communications at the American Center of “Defense Priorities”, Michael Hall, considered that Washington’s maintenance of its military presence in Syria is a big mistake and  a commitment to an unsustainable mission with no clearly articulated end goal that can be achieved, and that the mission of the American forces there has shifted from Its legitimate security objective.

In an article in the National Interest magazine, Hall said that the Biden administration wants to maintain its military presence in Syria, even though it is “not a prize for the United States to covet.”

He added the sober reality is that keeping even a token deployment of U.S. troops in Syria endangers American lives, doing more to risk dragging the United States into conflicts.

He pointed out that the defense of the Syrian Democratic Forces is the major factor behind the administration’s decision to prolong the deployment of the roughly 900 U.S. troops stationed in Syria.

Hall considered that it would be wise for the US administration to withdraw and end its operations in Syria once and for all.

Hall believes that it is illogical to think that there are forces that deserve American support and protection, even the Kurds, noting that the United States’ participation in military action to defend the Syrian Democratic Forces will remain out of the question.

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