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In English

In conjunction with the state of alert in the region, a Turkish-Russian meeting was held in eastern Aleppo

Local media reported that the Russian and Turkish officers held a meeting yesterday, Tuesday, in Aleppo eastern countryside, coinciding with the state of alert in the region and the continuation of the Turkish army to dispatch its troops  to the area to expel the Syrian Democratic Forces from several areas near the Turkish border.

Our correspondent said that Russian helicopters flew yesterday at a low altitude in the al-Bab area, east of Aleppo, coinciding with a meeting that took place between Turkish and Russian officers at the base of Jabal Sheikh Aqil.

He added that the Russian officers arrived at the Turkish base on helicopters to meet their Turkish counterparts at the Turkish base.

The social media has not disclosed the nature of the bilateral meeting and its results so far, at a time when Turkish indicators and statements are increasing about the imminent start of a new military operation against the Syrian Democratic Forces in a number of cities and towns adjacent to the border strip between Syria and Turkey.

The Assad regime and Russia sent military reinforcements, including cannons, tanks, and rocket launchers, to their deployment areas in the vicinity of Al-Bab city and Tadef town.

The region is witnessing a state of military alert by the national and Turkish army forces, apparently in preparation for starting the military operation that Turkish officials are talking about.

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